
1717 SE 3rd Avenue Portland, OR

Highwire is part of the Electric Blocks - five buildings designed to inspire visionaries and free-thinkers in Portland's Central Eastside.

Asset Type


Square Feet






A Revolutionary HQ for Radical Companies

Like a shining beacon calling entrepreneurs, creatives, and visionaries home, Highwire is a revolutionary addition to Portland’s reborn industrial Eastside. This spacious, flowing, terraced building is for those ready to make a mark on the world. Its renewable timber-frame design means they don’t have to leave a mark on the Earth while doing it.

Innovate or Die Trying

Once complete, Highwire will be the largest building in our region built with mass plywood – a renewable resource strong enough to ensure this building stands for many generations. Highwire is perfectly tailored for the creative business seeking authentic urban spirit.

Everything but Ordinary

Highwire was designed to promote healthy, active lifestyles. 125,000 square feet is enough space to accommodate every bit of your company’s ambition. Expansive windows, 13-foot tall ceilings, abundant light, desirable amenities, and outdoor terraces provide an inspiring workplace in a dynamic neighborhood.

Now Leasing 

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